Saturday, October 13, 2007

Levels of Intimacy

The phrase "very close friends" is indicative of varying levels of intimacy.

To become “friends” suggests more than just a level of acquaintance. There has been a resolution of tension. At this level you may see eye-to-eye on fundamental issues, but there may still be masks of apprehension held in place. There is still the risk of rejection.
Non-judgmental, healthy communication is vital to understanding the other person, and this leads to cohesiveness in the relationship.

Close friends” is indicative of growth in a personal relationship beyond friendship.
The level of trust is readily observable. Many layers of the onion have been peeled away, and they are able to see each other as genuine. Admirable qualities in the other person fuel the friendship. Many of their preferences are the same. The bonding thus far has evolved to the point of being like-minded.

Very close friends” goes even beyond a close friendship.
A deep level of trust has been established, and deep enough to risk being fully human.
Communication at this level is often times non-verbal, where it is observed that they appear to know what the other is thinking or they are able to accurately “read” one another.

Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man with many friends may be harmed, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.”

Brotherhood of man is having at least one true friend who you implicitly trust.
This is unquestionably the best level of friendship, but it has taken work to get there.
There are no doubts or reservations. There are no masks. This level of trust is understood, even though it may not be directly expressed. The reward of this relationship is the deepest sense of belonging, which has been borne of love to one another.

Christ Himself is the love that transforms relationships from acquaintance to Brotherhood of man.

In your dealings with others, demonstrate the love of Christ. Deny yourself. Live so that others will see Christ Himself in you, and see them as Christ Himself in front of you.